Welcome to Deep Breath, a three-Missions campaign designed to let you play Zombicide: Invader all night long. There is something wrong with the ventilation system and over the course of three campaigns you will have to fix it, before the whole base turns into a suffocating oven!
The XenoLeaks Saga is a three-part campaign designed to let players play 3 consecutive Missions! Mitsuki has uncovered a massive, evil scheme involving a large corporation, and now it’s up to you to invade their facilities and blow everything up!
While attempting to obtain the military pulse radio and other supplies from the Prison Ship, a nasty surprise was waiting for us. This massive Abomination named Stepmother has made her home here. Our weapons can't kill it, but we can try to keep it at bay. The mission is clear: grab what we can and leave the ship as soon as possible to live another day.
Nous voilà enfermés dans la station, sans le moindre réservoir d’oxygène ! Notre unique espoir est de contrôler le robot qui se trouve dehors et de l’envoyer récupérer les derniers réservoirs d’oxygène de la station voisine !
Nos ordres sont d’évacuer cette installation. Le temps est compté. Nous devons récupérer les données de nos recherches et quitter cet endroit maudit au plus vite !
Nous avons été envoyés en mission d’entraînement. Nous devons récupérer des armes et affûter nos compétences. Comment saurons-nous que nous avons réussi ? Quand l’un d’entre nous aura acquis des pouvoirs surhumains !
Il n’y a que nous, ici. On pensait que cet avant-poste isolé n’attirerait pas l’attention. Grave erreur. Heureusement, ce labo regorge de données et de prototypes. Il faut qu’on en récupère un max avant de mettre les voiles.
Nous devons évacuer les blessés et les non-combattants, et si nous parvenons à faire fonctionner ce vaisseau, cela pourrait suffire. Mais nous ne partirons pas tout de suite - pas avant que le nid des Xenos ne soit détruit lui aussi !
Nous pensions être coincés, mais une étoile filante (un vaisseau !) nous a accordé un vœu. Les survivants de ce vaisseau devraient nous permettre de sortir d'ici. Hé, ce n'est pas un kidnapping si la rançon est notre propre survie !
Our supply crates are here. But how to retrieve them outside before the Xenos get to them first?
Oh, génial. On est enfermés dehors. Les portes qui mènent à la zone sécurisée ne peuvent être ouvertes que par un robot modifié avec les codes de décryptage. Mais il y en a tellement !
There antimatter generators sure are great... except when they aren't. They got out of alignment and now we need to fix them, but boy, do they make a lot of noise!
If we can access our ship, we can call in an orbital strike and destroy all the xenos in the area! The computers are in different rooms, so we will need to snoop around a little to input the safety codes to get the shields down. Let's go!
When this lab went under attack of the Xenos, the scientists decided to lock themselves in and wait for them to leave. We'll, they're not leaving, and now the scientists are trapped. Maybe not their smartest move.
Une abomination d'une taille incroyable est passée par ici, laissant une traînée de destruction. Nous n'avons aucun moyen de la vaincre, mais cette installation peut encore être sauvée... Nous devons agir vite ou la fonge va tout envahir !
This outpost sure is loaded... Both with useful material and with mold! We need this back at the base, so it's time for a deep cleaning!
We've heard about a teleporter that could get us off PK-L7 for good! But we have to get there first. Can't be much worse than where we are right?
The only way for us civilians to survive this Xeno swarm is evacuate the area. But only military personnel can open the bunker doors. We need to find Baraka so she can guide us out!
Instead of killing the Xenos one by one, our new plan is to blast them all at once! This mission is all about timing: all oxygen tanks must be activated at once, and then we have to leave as soon as possible. Are you up to the challenge?
The bot machine and the sentry gun sure help us a lot... except when they’re hacked and become hostile to humans by mistake. Now, on top of rescuing these engineers, we need to return these machines to normal, or they’ll kill us before the Xenos even get a chance!
Hold them off! In this special scenario, Survivors may only escape after the Xeno Deck has run out of cards. And you have to protect the crew members while at it!Good guys finish last? Not on our watch!
Two of our friends got locked in a room whilst out on recon. We need to break them out, but only the Sentry gun can destroy this door. Also, we might as well complete the recon. Lots to do, let’s get to it!
Xenos attacked the intergalactic meatball factory and are now swarming its corridors in search of juicy meatballs. Which includes us! We must use the bot to blast our way through the Corridor of Doom!
We need to test our new Xeno Cannon. To make sure it’s working, we need to dispose of all Xenos coming through the airlock. The Mission ends when all Xenos are out of the game. This is a real Xeno-cide!
A bridge taken by Xenos, a locked exit to the escape pods, locked triggers and an injured and lost teammate. Explore some new mechanics in this adventure!
We discovered an old military base where the Xenos built nests. It’s easter all over again: time for an egg hunt! (But careful, the eggs explode)
A special scenario for Baraka that offers 2 game modes: easy and hard. Help is coming, so all you need to do is survive until it does! Good luck with that, though... these mold patched are full of infected Xenos.
We equipped these mines with A LOT of safety doors, but we didn’t take these damn Drillers into account and they are now coming from everywhere! Our own ultra-safe facilities have basically become a trap for ourselves...
We found a mutating breed of Driller Xenos that has acidic blood. We downloaded all the research results about them onto a bot and need to escape, taking care to not get the bot dissolved – or worse, us!
In this new solo scenario, Cole decides to answer a call for help from an old friend: to enter his old, abandoned robot factory and retrieve three of his most important original robots. However, it will not be a simple task.
We’re not one to turn tail and run, but we have no choice! We’re stuck in a decrepit old facility, and to escape we have to cross some dangerous external areas, but the oxygen rooms aren’t working! All we have are the tanks!
Recent research indicates that Xenos are mutating, and the larger species, which we call Abominations, are getting faster and faster. However, its evolution seems to be hampering its ability to spread the mold. Our mission is to enter a ship wreckage and retrieve the samples
We raided an old power plant to get some supplies and a new Bot to replace our old one. It was meant to be a low-risk mission. Just get in and get out. Simple..
Comme si le fait d'être submergés par les Xenos ne suffisait pas, ils ont réussi à court-circuiter toute la base. L'électronique est hors de contrôle...
Welcome to Deep Breath, a three-Missions campaign designed to let you play Zombicide: Invader all night long. There is something wrong with the ventilation system and over the course of three campaigns you will have to fix it, before the whole base turns into a suffocating oven!
The XenoLeaks Saga is a three-part campaign designed to let players play 3 consecutive Missions! Mitsuki has uncovered a massive, evil scheme involving a large corporation, and now it’s up to you to invade their facilities and blow everything up!
While attempting to obtain the military pulse radio and other supplies from the Prison Ship, a nasty surprise was waiting for us. This massive Abomination named Stepmother has made her home here. Our weapons can't kill it, but we can try to keep it at bay. The mission is clear: grab what we can and leave the ship as soon as possible to live another day.
Nous voilà enfermés dans la station, sans le moindre réservoir d’oxygène ! Notre unique espoir est de contrôler le robot qui se trouve dehors et de l’envoyer récupérer les derniers réservoirs d’oxygène de la station voisine !
Nos ordres sont d’évacuer cette installation. Le temps est compté. Nous devons récupérer les données de nos recherches et quitter cet endroit maudit au plus vite !
Nous avons été envoyés en mission d’entraînement. Nous devons récupérer des armes et affûter nos compétences. Comment saurons-nous que nous avons réussi ? Quand l’un d’entre nous aura acquis des pouvoirs surhumains !
Il n’y a que nous, ici. On pensait que cet avant-poste isolé n’attirerait pas l’attention. Grave erreur. Heureusement, ce labo regorge de données et de prototypes. Il faut qu’on en récupère un max avant de mettre les voiles.
Nous devons évacuer les blessés et les non-combattants, et si nous parvenons à faire fonctionner ce vaisseau, cela pourrait suffire. Mais nous ne partirons pas tout de suite - pas avant que le nid des Xenos ne soit détruit lui aussi !
Nous pensions être coincés, mais une étoile filante (un vaisseau !) nous a accordé un vœu. Les survivants de ce vaisseau devraient nous permettre de sortir d'ici. Hé, ce n'est pas un kidnapping si la rançon est notre propre survie !
Our supply crates are here. But how to retrieve them outside before the Xenos get to them first?
Oh, génial. On est enfermés dehors. Les portes qui mènent à la zone sécurisée ne peuvent être ouvertes que par un robot modifié avec les codes de décryptage. Mais il y en a tellement !
There antimatter generators sure are great... except when they aren't. They got out of alignment and now we need to fix them, but boy, do they make a lot of noise!
If we can access our ship, we can call in an orbital strike and destroy all the xenos in the area! The computers are in different rooms, so we will need to snoop around a little to input the safety codes to get the shields down. Let's go!
When this lab went under attack of the Xenos, the scientists decided to lock themselves in and wait for them to leave. We'll, they're not leaving, and now the scientists are trapped. Maybe not their smartest move.
Une abomination d'une taille incroyable est passée par ici, laissant une traînée de destruction. Nous n'avons aucun moyen de la vaincre, mais cette installation peut encore être sauvée... Nous devons agir vite ou la fonge va tout envahir !
This outpost sure is loaded... Both with useful material and with mold! We need this back at the base, so it's time for a deep cleaning!
We've heard about a teleporter that could get us off PK-L7 for good! But we have to get there first. Can't be much worse than where we are right?
The only way for us civilians to survive this Xeno swarm is evacuate the area. But only military personnel can open the bunker doors. We need to find Baraka so she can guide us out!
Instead of killing the Xenos one by one, our new plan is to blast them all at once! This mission is all about timing: all oxygen tanks must be activated at once, and then we have to leave as soon as possible. Are you up to the challenge?
The bot machine and the sentry gun sure help us a lot... except when they’re hacked and become hostile to humans by mistake. Now, on top of rescuing these engineers, we need to return these machines to normal, or they’ll kill us before the Xenos even get a chance!
Hold them off! In this special scenario, Survivors may only escape after the Xeno Deck has run out of cards. And you have to protect the crew members while at it!Good guys finish last? Not on our watch!
Two of our friends got locked in a room whilst out on recon. We need to break them out, but only the Sentry gun can destroy this door. Also, we might as well complete the recon. Lots to do, let’s get to it!
Xenos attacked the intergalactic meatball factory and are now swarming its corridors in search of juicy meatballs. Which includes us! We must use the bot to blast our way through the Corridor of Doom!
We need to test our new Xeno Cannon. To make sure it’s working, we need to dispose of all Xenos coming through the airlock. The Mission ends when all Xenos are out of the game. This is a real Xeno-cide!
A bridge taken by Xenos, a locked exit to the escape pods, locked triggers and an injured and lost teammate. Explore some new mechanics in this adventure!
We discovered an old military base where the Xenos built nests. It’s easter all over again: time for an egg hunt! (But careful, the eggs explode)
A special scenario for Baraka that offers 2 game modes: easy and hard. Help is coming, so all you need to do is survive until it does! Good luck with that, though... these mold patched are full of infected Xenos.
We equipped these mines with A LOT of safety doors, but we didn’t take these damn Drillers into account and they are now coming from everywhere! Our own ultra-safe facilities have basically become a trap for ourselves...
We found a mutating breed of Driller Xenos that has acidic blood. We downloaded all the research results about them onto a bot and need to escape, taking care to not get the bot dissolved – or worse, us!
In this new solo scenario, Cole decides to answer a call for help from an old friend: to enter his old, abandoned robot factory and retrieve three of his most important original robots. However, it will not be a simple task.
We’re not one to turn tail and run, but we have no choice! We’re stuck in a decrepit old facility, and to escape we have to cross some dangerous external areas, but the oxygen rooms aren’t working! All we have are the tanks!
Recent research indicates that Xenos are mutating, and the larger species, which we call Abominations, are getting faster and faster. However, its evolution seems to be hampering its ability to spread the mold. Our mission is to enter a ship wreckage and retrieve the samples
We raided an old power plant to get some supplies and a new Bot to replace our old one. It was meant to be a low-risk mission. Just get in and get out. Simple..
Comme si le fait d'être submergés par les Xenos ne suffisait pas, ils ont réussi à court-circuiter toute la base. L'électronique est hors de contrôle...